1. Portuguese people actually show emotions
2. English people get really confused about how to greet someone new - hug?handshake?kiss? - in Portugal you automatically give 2 kisses
3. English people care a LOT about appearances (ie. clothes, make up, heels)
4. Portuguese people don't usually go red like a lobster, they go brown and nice
5. English people have PUBS which I enjoy. and of course the pub lunch food!
6. Portuguese people have amazing regional food - it's not just fish & chips
7. English people usually get more money, but then again England is more expensive to live in
8. Portuguese people can go out clubbing in a t-shirt and flipflops
9. English people have an amazing British accent
10. Portuguese people can be quite close minded sometimes
11. English people can't speak Portuguese, but most Portuguese can speak English.
12. The Portuguese population is 10,7 million. London alone has 7,5 million.
13. England is an island. so people don't travel that much. Portugal is close to spain and france, and people often travel.
14. Portuguese couples are more likely to stay together than English ones - the divorce rate in England is double the one in Portugal
15. In general, I think English people are more driven, more passionate, more persistent about their job. They work harder and are quicker than in the southern countries
16. England has Shakespeare. Portugal has Cristiano Ronaldo. (haha)
17. English people are quite closed and you need to earn their trust before they let you in. Portuguese people are much more open and carefree
18. The Portuguese brought tea to Europe. the English drink tea abundantly.
19. Portugal is great for holidays. England is great for working.
20. Portugal is an amazing country. England is an amazing country. I love them both.
England has Shakespeare. Portugal has Toni Carreira